Weekly weather forecast
morning | afternoon | evening |
Occasional clouds
Wind (km/h): 7 NNE
Humidity: 97%
Snow limit: N/A
morning | afternoon | evening |
Mainly cloudy or overcast
Wind (km/h): 7 NNE
Humidity: 97%
Snow limit: N/A
The sunny village has always been an…
The municipality of Laion is considered to be…
Discover Villandro, that means exploring the…
Surrounded by chestnut forests and vineyards,…
Castel Velturno is characterised by vast…
The majestic Gruppo delle Odle surrounds the…
One of the oldest towns in Tyrol is called…
Varna is located in the north of Bressanone and…
Not only due to its unique location, the…
The strategic location and the once most…
A visit of Castel Rodengo and a walk on the…
Luson, located in a side valley of the Valle…
The Chiusa of Rio Pusteria is the symbol…
Castel Pietra, Castel Tasso and the…
The three-valley municipality of Racines is…
The main town in the Upper Valle Isarco is…
The municipality of Val di Vizze is located…
The Tribulaun mountain, the Ladurno skiing…