Weekly weather forecast
morning | afternoon | evening |
Partly cloudy
Wind (km/h): 13 NNW
Humidity: 98%
Snow limit: N/A
morning | afternoon | evening |
Occasional clouds
Wind (km/h): 9 N
Humidity: 76%
Snow limit: N/A
Varna is located in the north of Bressanone and…
Not only due to its unique location, the…
A Renaissance castle and chestnut delights:…
A visit of Castel Rodengo and a walk on the…
Luson, located in a side valley of the Valle…
This mighty fortress dominates the transport…
The majestic Gruppo delle Odle surrounds the…
The Chiusa of Rio Pusteria is the symbol…
A medieval artists’ town in the Valle…
Villandro in South Tyrol, that means lush…
The municipality of Laion is considered to be…
South Tyrol’s smallest municipality…
Barbiano in the Isarco Valley: A leaning…
Castel Pietra, Castel Tasso and the…
Discover the North Tyrolean mountains in…
Vipiteno, the “Fuggerstadt” - a…
The three-valley municipality of Racines is…
The Tribulaun mountain, the Ladurno skiing…