gomagoi mit kirche
gomagoi mit kirche


The village of Gomagoi at the central point between the Solda and Trafoi Valleys promises a summer retreat at the foot of Mt. Ortles

The small village of Gomagoi lies where the roads divide: One leads into the Valle di Solda, where Solda and its cable cars are waiting at the end of the valley, and the other branches off towards the Valle di Trafoi and the Stelvio Pass. Nearby, the Rio Trafoi and the Rio Solda streams confluence. The centre of the long-stretched village is formed by the information office and the Gomagoi Volunteer Fire Brigade. Just outside is the village church of St. Therese, one of the listed buildings.

Two other buildings are also worth a stop: the century-old, homeland-style Hotel Post and the stone roadblock of Gomagoi at the end of the village. Indeed, it is the central location of Gomagoi that was once strategic for defence: The old fortress from 1860 was part of the defence system of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy. It was intended to repel invasions from Italy via the Stelvio Pass into the Val Venosta, and there was no way around this bulwark. The fortress was activated again in WWI, although already obsolete. Today it is a listed witness of times past and other borderlines.

The surroundings are made for long hikes in the Stelvio National Park and MTB tours. There is a fishing pond in the village itself. The village road is already the Passo Stelvio Road, which then leads up to Italy's highest mountain pass in numerous hairpin bends. In winter, the road up to the pass is closed from Trafoi and opened for who wants to take advantage of the unique opportunity to experience the myth of the Stelvio during a toboggan ride. The Trafoi Skiing Area and the Solda Skiing Area are located in the municipal area. Skiing also takes place on the pass itself in summer.

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