prad vinschgau winter
prad vinschgau winter

Prato allo Stelvio

Prato allo Stelvio - offers

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52 Offers (shown 49 - 52)

  1. Garden Park Hotel: Summit natural Bike Camp 2

    Summit natural Bike Camp 2

    Garden Park Hotel
    Spa Hotel at the Stelvio National Park | Prato allo Stelvio

    Our guide Eugen will take you to the easy trails around Prad am Stilfserjoch. From 02 - 04 october2025 (alternative day 05 october), the aim is to discover the mountain biking lifestyle in the Vinschg

    from  01/10/25  to  05/10/25

    4 nights from 700 € per person

  2. Aktiv- & Wellnesshotel Zentral: Advanced E-Bike Camp 2

    Advanced E-Bike Camp 2

    Our guide Eugen will take you to the trails around Prad am Stilfserjoch. From 23 - 25 october 2025, the aim is to discover the mountain biking lifestyle in the Vinschgau Valley.

    from  22/10/25  to  26/10/25

    4 nights from 532 € per person

  3. Garden Park Hotel: Advanced E-Bike Camp 2

    Advanced E-Bike Camp 2

    Garden Park Hotel
    Spa Hotel at the Stelvio National Park | Prato allo Stelvio

    Our guide Eugen will take you to the easy trails around Prad am Stilfserjoch. From 23 - 25 october 2025, the aim is to discover the mountain biking lifestyle in the Vinschgau Valley.

    from  22/10/25  to  26/10/25

    4 nights from 632 € per person

  4. Camping Sägemühle: Golden Autumn

    Golden Autumn

    Enjoy the golden autumn days in the Vinschgau Valley!

    from  26/10/25  to  09/11/25

    from 7 nights from 170 € per person