Vinschgau Martelltal Ennewasser Erdbeeren
Vinschgau Martelltal Ennewasser Erdbeeren


At the Trattla sports and leisure centre you can climb and play, but also celebrate in a big way: The Strawberry Festival takes place here

The entrance of the Val Martello in the Upper Val Venosta is still part of the municipality of Laces. After that, the first farms come into view, called Niederwies, Burgaun and Bad Salt, incidentally a mineral spring. Together with the groups of houses further south, they form the district of Transacqua (Ennewasser), which is located along the course of the Rio Plima at the bottom of the valley. The single districts and farms are interrupted again and again by meadows and fields.

Transacqua is known for its Trattla leisure centre, which houses various sports facilities. It is home to one of the indoor climbing walls of the region, with a boulder room and more than 100 routes. The glass façade lets daylight stream in and the experience remains weather-independent at the same time. In addition, there is the possibility to play table tennis, table football, mini golf and tennis and there is also a fitness trail. The culturamartell National Park House is also located in this locality, one of South Tyrol's five visitor centres of the Stelvio National Park.

Where there's sport, there's also celebration: In June, the leisure centre is preparing everything for the Val Martello Strawberry Days. A giant strawberry cake is baked, midnight performances are rehearsed and the election of the Strawberry Queen is organised for the festival weekend. In the South Tyrolean Strawberry World there, the mountain strawberries are also sold directly in summer. Three months later, at the end of September, the traditional St. Michael Market fair takes place in the Trattla leisure centre. These are the last warmer days: In the Val Martello it often snows already in October and November, and winter sports are on the agenda.

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Suggested accommodation: Transacqua

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