Schnalstal Kurzras
Schnalstal Kurzras

Maso Corto

High above Maso Corto, the snowfield of the Similaun, where Oetzi was found, and the highest hotel in Europe are enthroned

Once you have reached the end of the Val Senales valley, past the cliffs of Monte Santa Caterina and Lake Vernago, Maso Corto (Kurzras) awaits you at the foot of the Val Senales Glacier. Already at the end of the 19th century, people hiked, climbed and skied here. At that time, skis were buckled on the back and the ascent was done on foot. Then in the 1970s, the Senales Glacier Cable Cars were built on the land of the largest farm (in size) in the valley.

Today, the valley station is located directly in the village. The cable car overcomes steep rock faces and more than 1,000 m in altitude to reach the summit. At the top, the various slopes of the Alpin Arena Senales start, a superlative skiing area and popular training location for national ski teams. In the glacier world at an altitude of more than 3,000 m, the new viewing platform Iceman Oetzi Peak also presents a breathtaking view on the surrounding peaks and on the watershed, where it is decided if the water flows towards the Black Sea or towards the Mediterranean Sea.

The village itself offers a wide variety of opportunities and activities in every season, including the new Larix Ferrata. Between accommodation facilities, pubs and small shops, here at more than 2,000 m a.s.l., Oetzi is also present everywhere: A shop, a children's club and a show gallery bear his name. A little further away, in the neighbouring village of Vernago, is the Oetzi High-Rope Park, a high rope course with a stunning view on the reservoir.

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Suggested accommodations: Maso Corto

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