Vandoies di Sotto
12 Offers
less than 12 km away from Vandoies di Sotto
Take advantage of our attractive early bird offer and plan your trip at least 30 days before arrival.
from 10/03/25 to 31/03/25
3 nights from 388 € per person
less than 12 km away from Vandoies di Sotto
Take advantage of our attractive early bird offer and plan your trip at least 30 days before arrival.
from 17/04/25 to 03/08/25
3 nights from 388 € per person
less than 12 km away from Vandoies di Sotto
Take advantage of our attractive early bird offer and plan your trip at least 30 days before arrival.
from 28/08/25 to 01/11/25
3 nights from 388 € per person
less than 18 km away from Vandoies di Sotto
The best comes at the end! Let the season close with white mountains and pure sun. Early in the morning carve down the Kronplatz and in the afternoon enjoy the vacation days lying in the sun.
from 23/03/25 to 30/03/25
4 nights from 535 € per person
less than 6 km away from Vandoies di Sotto
“The time we take for ourselves is what gives us the most,” wrote Ernst Ferstl.
from 08/03/25 to 30/03/25
3 nights from 524 € per person
less than 6 km away from Vandoies di Sotto
Spend a couple of days with the girls, enjoy life and indulge in some pampering.
from 08/03/25 to 30/03/25
3 nights from 469 € per person
less than 6 km away from Vandoies di Sotto
As the winter slowly draws to a close, the magic of March unfolds once again at the Terentnerhof.
from 08/03/25 to 30/03/25
from 4 nights from 444 € per person
less than 6 km away from Vandoies di Sotto
Spend a couple of days with the girls, enjoy life and indulge in some pampering.
from 17/04/25 to 08/12/25
3 nights from 523 € per person
less than 6 km away from Vandoies di Sotto
“The time we take for ourselves is what gives us the most,” wrote Ernst Ferstl.
from 17/04/25 to 08/12/25
3 nights from 578 € per person
less than 6 km away from Vandoies di Sotto
A full week to create unforgettable holiday memories
from 17/04/25 to 08/12/25
7 nights from 996 € per person
less than 6 km away from Vandoies di Sotto
In other places you look for Easter eggs, here you will find magical moments.
from 17/04/25 to 22/04/25
5 nights from 830 € per person
less than 6 km away from Vandoies di Sotto
Up to 2 months before arrival
from 17/04/25 to 08/12/25
3 nights from 473 € per person