Weekly weather forecast - municipality of S. Lorenzo di Sebato
morning | afternoon | evening |
Overcast with sleet
Wind (km/h): 4 SE
Humidity: 99%
Snow limit: N/A
morning | afternoon | evening |
Mainly sunny
Wind (km/h): 7 SSE
Humidity: 88%
Snow limit: N/A
The famous Gold Coin Hoard from Roman times…
Where the Gadera river flows into the Rienza…
Enthroned on a rocky spur San Michele Castle is…
A Roman milestone was found below the…
The Belt Plate of Campolino, an important…
Holidays at the foot of Mt. Plan de…
Santa Maria di Sares is the picturesque…
A meadow path connects Mantana, located in the…
The most distant village of San Lorenzo di…
The small hamlet of Elle, or Ellen, on the slope…
In the middle of the woods of the Val Pusteria…
The small village is known for its…
Ronchi or Runggen is the name of several…