kaltern marktplatz fr
kaltern marktplatz fr

Caldaro village

Caldaro’s Market Square is the heart of the village, a meeting place for locals and visitors, and the venue for convivial wine festivals

When people talk about Caldaro, they usually mean Lake Caldaro and its main village with its special atmosphere. Caldaro village (Kaltern Dorf) stretches from the roundabout with the Caldaro Winery and the old railway station, which now houses a cinema, to the central square and the surrounding alleys. This is where village life pulsates, and where festivals take place.

The Baroque fountain with the Marian column and the parish church dominate the Piazza del Mercato, the Market Square. Wine has always played a vital role in Caldaro: The "Kalterersee Auslese" brought international recognition to the village.

It's no surprise that the South Tyrolean Wine Museum is located here. Just a few steps from the Market Square, the exhibits tell the story of viticulture in the first wine museum south of the Alps. The South Tyrolean Wine Academy is also based in Caldaro. The Caldaro Wine Trail and the Castel Sallegg Wine Trail invite you to take strolls through the landscape down to Lake Caldaro.

Red or white wine? These fine wines can be enjoyed at the Caldaro Wine Festival, at "Kaltern all in White", and at "Kaltern all in Red". After the summer evenings, autumn arrives with its Toerggele evenings, followed by the traditional Krampus run and a small Christmas Market.

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