Weekly weather forecast
morning | afternoon | evening |
Slightly or partly cloudy
Wind (km/h): 9 WSW
Humidity: 79%
Snow limit: N/A
morning | afternoon | evening |
Occasional clouds
Wind (km/h): 9 N
Humidity: 99%
Snow limit: N/A
Famous for the St. Proculus Church: Naturno,…
Discover Parcines: from the majestic…
The Garden Village of Lagundo: Waalwege paths,…
Marlengo’s iconic steeple: replicated…
Cermes: Explore Monteleone Castle, seven…
From Mediterranean flair to high-alpine lakes:…
From palm trees to glaciers: Merano, South…
From apple orchards to high plateaus: Discover…
Picturesque Scena: Nestled between Mt. Picco…
The Graf Volkmar Path: A fitness path tells of…
Haflinger horses, the St. Catherine Church,…
Castles, churches and chestnut groves…
The Gargazzone nature outdoor pool forms…
Verano, South Tyrol’s sunny high plateau…
At the gateway to the South Tyrolean Wine Road:…