naturns fruehling aussicht nach tschirland
naturns fruehling aussicht nach tschirland


Separated from Naturno by the Adige River, Cirlano lies on the Via Claudia Augusta, once a Roman road and today a cycling route

Cirlano (Tschirland) is situated in a quiet, sunny position amidst orchards. From here you can look over to the main village of Naturno, which is on the other side of the Adige River and within easy reach. The charming little holiday resort is dominated by the St. Oswald Church, whose slender Gothic steeple towers over the village. The interior is decorated with an elaborate ceiling fresco by Simon Ybertracher (1694-1772), the high altar shows St. Oswald of Northumbria itself.

From Cirlano you can make leisurely bike tours. The easy bike tour from Rablà to Naturno shows you all four districts that make up this municipality. It is best to plan in-between stops for a coffee in the sun or a stay at one of the beautiful spots in the middle of it all. This cycle tour - like so many - follows the old Roman road Via Claudia Augusta, which today is a crossing of the Alps on two wheels: One variant leads 700 km from Donauwörth on the Bavarian Danube across the Alps to Venice, another variant, slightly shorter, ends in Ostiglia on the Po river.

The section of the Via Claudia Augusta between the Resia Pass and Merano is called the Val Venosta Cycle Path here. For those who prefer a hike, there is a special circular tour: The three-hour Gsindboden Nature Path starts at the church in Cirlano and leads through the orchards to an inn in the woods. Then the trail continues to the viewpoint at Gsindboden with its new viewing platform and then downhill to the Cirlano Heath (Tschirlander Heide), where numerous extraordinary plants and flowers grow. Especially beautiful in spring during the apple blossom!

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