etschtal radweg bei sinich radfahrer
etschtal radweg bei sinich radfahrer


The southernmost district of Merano, Sinigo, is also the one with the youngest history: Today, the Valle dell’Adige Cycle Path leads past it

On the edge of Merano, where the urban area stretches towards Lana and South Tyrol's provincial capital of Bolzano, lies Merano's small district of Sinigo (Sinich). The partly marshy meadows were dried about a century ago and housing estates were built, mainly for the working-class families who immigrated from Italy after the First World War. At first the settlement had the name "Borgo Vittoria" (borgo means suburb in Italian), but this was later changed to Sinigo.

The families who settled here worked mainly in the nearby Montecatini fertiliser plant. Schools, kindergartens and other facilities were also built at this time. Today Sinigo is a district in the countryside, a pretty suburb of Merano surrounded by orchards and vineyards. In place of the fertiliser plant, the solar cell manufacturer Memc, which also closed its doors a few years ago, has taken up residence. The site is waiting for a new purpose.

On one side the Sinigo Stream, on the other the Monzoccolo mountain, in between the sports facilities and the Valle dell'Adige Cycle Path, which leads from the south past Sinigo towards the old town of Merano. Not far away, a welcome sign invites you to visit the thermal baths. There, the road branches off to the Gardens of Trauttmansdorff Castle. The opening of the new Sinigo Beach Arena, a multi-purpose, covered structure where beach volleyball, beach soccer, beach tennis and rugby can be played, is planned for 2025. In winter, the sand will be heated.

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