Weekly weather forecast - municipality of Renon
morning | afternoon | evening |
Partly cloudy
Wind (km/h): 7 SW
Humidity: 58%
Snow limit: N/A
morning | afternoon | evening |
Sunny or partly cloudy
Wind (km/h): 7 NNE
Humidity: 71%
Snow limit: N/A
Collalbo is a hiker’s paradise and the…
The Renon Cable Car stops in…
Longomoso and its historic commend, an old…
Campodazzo in the valley basin is the end…
Auna di Sopra provides a great panoramic…
The circular hiking path in Longostagno…
The small village of Vanga is nestled in dense…
Probably the most remote, smallest and even…
Monte di Mezzo with its Earth Pyramids…
Between summer tours and autumn hikes,…
Signato is a hamlet above Bolzano, popular…
The Renon Plateau starts at Castel Novale…
Costalovara and its lake are inextricably…