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Important information for your holidays in South Tyrol

Important information for your holidays in South Tyrol, gathered for you, at a glance. This is where you can find a list of public holidays, in which shops and offices usually remain closed, as well as the most important telephone numbers and information about Local Public Transport.

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  1. karte und anfahrt suedtirol

    Map and getting there

    Our map offers all information you need for your holidays in South Tyrol, from…
  2. autofahren in suedtirol ritten

    Helpful Driving Information

    Key traffic regulations and helpful advice for car and motorbike drivers.
  3. Oeffentlicher Nahverkehr

    Local public transport

    If you want to stay in South Tyrol without using your own car you can count on a…
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    Official holidays in South Tyrol

    If you are planning holidays in South Tyrol, it might be important for you to know…
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    Climate and weather

    Every season in South Tyrol has its peculiarities, in each single one the province…
  6. wichtige telefonnummern handy

    Important phone numbers

    Below you can find a list of the most important telephone numbers for your holidays…

Suggested accommodations

Tips and more infos