wiesen und almhuetten oberhalb von getzenberg
wiesen und almhuetten oberhalb von getzenberg


The various farms above Casteldarne on the south side of the Val Pusteria can be admired along the Mountain Farms Trail

Due to the construction of the Riggertal loop and safety-related works, sections of the Val Pusteria Railway will be closed until January 2026. A rail replacement bus service will be in operation.

The three main… read more

If you look from Casteldarne and its majestic castle towards the mountainside, you can see a number of characteristic mountain farms on the slopes above the municipality of Chienes. They are still part of the municipal area - it is the district that has the same name as the mountain, Monghezzo (Getzenberg), an idyllic hamlet on the south side of the Val Pusteria.

The farms, which are spread across the slope between side roads and alpine meadows, partly offer farm holidays. Here, alpine pasture and livestock farming play a central role, whereby the steep slopes make the work difficult. You can admire the old farmsteads along the Mountain Farms Trail: it is a reminder of the Romanesque settlement of Monghezzo and shows at the Ilstern spa, today largely dilapidated, that even illustrious guests were not afraid to climb the mountain.

Next to it is a chapel on the Contemplation Trail, and in the midst is Kühlechen, an alpine pasture and a beautiful vantage point if you set out on a clear summer or autumn day. The farm names give a hint of the former professions and particularities - for example, there is a Vögler Farm, which reminds of the old tradition of bird catching. The Hofer Farm at an altitude of well over 1,000 m, on the other hand, is a snack station that invites you to enjoy a delicious South Tyrolean Marende.

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