egetmann hochzeitskutsche braut verein egetmann
egetmann hochzeitskutsche braut verein egetmann

Egetmann Parade in Termeno

This traditional carnival parade along the South Tyrolean Wine Road drives away the winter spirits with noise and brilliant costumes

The carnival period in Tyrol traditionally starts on the 7th of January. But already months before, the village of Termeno prepares the costumes and carriages for its famous Egetmann Parade. According to a very old local custom, only men may participate - the parade takes place every second year (in the odd years), whereas in the even years a children's parade is organised. The so-called Egetmann-Hansl, the main character, heads the parade with a (male) bride.

The two are followed by many different characters, among those also the "Schnappviecher", some enormous furry animals which scary everyone with their teeth and noise. Except the - masked - Wild Man and the Green and White Bear, the participants have their faces painted with carbon black and are equipped with carbon black, sawdust, confetti and dust for the spectators. Also a section of the "Hoamet Tramin Museum" is dedicated to the Egetmann Parade.

Among other still practised Tyrolean carnival customs are, in particular, the "Schemenlaufen" in Imst, the "Schleicherlaufen" in Telfs, the "Schellerlaufen" in Nassereith, the "Wampelerreiten" in Axams and the "Mullerlaufen" in Thaur. All of these villages are located in North Tyrol (Austria). In South Tyrol, however, you can witness the Plough Pulling in Stelvio, the Carnival in Prato allo Stelvio with the traditional "Zusslrennen" and the Carnival in Salorno.

(pictures by kind permission of

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