pragser wildsee pferd
pragser wildsee pferd

Riding stables in the Val Pusteria

Between the Upper Val Pusteria and the Dolomites Region Plan de Corones around the town of Brunico there are several riding stables

Plan de Corones:

  • Tharerhof riding stable
    Via Brechel road no. 6, Valdaora di Mezzo
    phone: +39 348 4731 492

  • Tolderhof riding stable and riding school
    Vicolo della Chiesa road no. 6, Valdaora di Sopra
    phone: +39 0474 496127

  • Grasspeinten riding stable
    Via Riedinger road no. 13D, Falzes
    phone: +39 349 5230 037

  • Sun Ranch riding stable
    Schintlholz no. 3, Colle/Val Casies
    phone: +39 377 0919 557

  • Riding stable and animal physiotherapy
    Im Gelände 1B, Riscone
    phone: +39 349 7315 766

  • Wiedenhof riding stable
    Val Pusteria Sun Road no. 19, Terento
    phone: +39 340 5015 837

Val Badia valley:

  • Sitting Bull Ranch
    Str. Freina road no. 64, Longiarù/San Martino in Badia
    phone: +39 380 4990 545

  • Mareo Icelandic horses stud and trekking
    Str. Val dai Tamersc road, San Vigilio di Marebbe
    phone: +39 331 2752 268

Upper Val Pusteria:

  • Steinwandterhof riding stable
    San Vito no. 17, Braies
    phone: +39 335 6117 232

  • Western Horse Riding Bodnerhof
    Braies di Dentro no. 10, Braies
    phone: +39 348 3804799

  • Tschurtschenthaler riding stable
    Via Val Fiscalina road no. 22, Moso/Sesto
    phone: +39 0474 710620

  • Unterlanerhof riding stable
    Via Laner road no. 23, Sesto
    phone: +39 340 1475 078

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