Riding stables in Merano & surroundings

Horse friends are exactly in the right place in the surroundings of the spa town of Merano with its famous hippodrome

  • Sulfnerhof riding stable
    Via Santa Caterina road no. 4, Avelengo
    phone: +39 366 6514 449

  • Maneggio Gfreinhof
    Via Avelengo road no. 28, Avelengo
    phone: +39 331 9706 936

  • Gfrein Ranch
    Via della Chiesa road no. 4, Avelengo
    phone: +39 0473 279400

  • Lana riding centre
    Industrial Zone no. 1, Lana
    phone: +39 333 2114 800

  • Merano riding centre
    Via Tennis road no. 2, Merano
    phone: +39 0473 232481

  • Nalles riding stable
    Via Piscina road no. 13, Nalles
    phone: +39 3483669 488

  • Obermichelerhof riding stable
    Via Kompatsch road no. 5, Verano
    phone: +39 0473 278195

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