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Hiking and outdoor safety

Some useful rules of conduct in the mountains ensure that the trip becomes a positive and carefree experience

Preparing for a hike in the mountains ranges from checking the weather forecast to wearing the right clothes, from safety measures and a first aid kit to the right behaviour in case of an encounter with a wild animal...

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  1. wandern berg himmel freude gluecklich personen marketing

    Correct Behaviour in the Mountains

    The mountains offer recreation, but also some dangers: If you know and avoid them,…
  2. Gewitter

    Mountain Weather in South Tyrol

    The weather in the mountains also differs from that in the valley in terms of…
  3. Wanderbekleidung

    Proper Hiking Clothes

    The right hiking clothing is mainly responsible for your well-being during a…
  4. First Aid Erste Hilfe Berge

    First Aid Kit for Hikes

    When hiking, climbing or on a simple walk, a small injury can quickly occur.
  5. Mushroom picking in South Tyrol

    From forest to table: how to find mushrooms in South Tyrol - correctly and respectfully.
  6. Baer Encounter

    Encounter with a Bear

    Bears are naturally shy of people, but recently there have been some encounters…
  7. Wolf

    Encounter with a Wolf

    The largest representative of the dog species, the wolf, has also been seen more…
  8. kuehe am weg aufstieg tristensee

    Encounter with Cows

    Cows may feel threatened by walkers on the pastures or barking dogs.
  9. Zecken Suedtirol

    Ticks in South Tyrol

    In South Tyrol, ticks are often unpleasant souvenirs from an excursion: Here, the…

Suggested accommodations

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