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huettenwanderung im drei zinnen gebiet alpen grasnelke

Hikes by Season

South Tyrol offers plenty of walking and hiking tours in every season of the year

No matter which season you planned to come to South Tyrol, it waits for you with atmospheric promenades in spring, high alpine tours during the summer months, romantic walks through golden larch woods in autumn …. Hiking in South Tyrol is a great experience all year long!

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  1. apfelbluete person spaziergang

    Hiking in Spring

    When the country takes on a new lightness, you can discover the region with its…
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    Hiking in Summer

    In summer, South Tyrol offers countless possibilities for hiking and trekking…
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    Hiking in Autumn

    When trees and plants turn colour, South Tyrol enchants with a fascinating…
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    Hiking in Winter

    The snow-covered South Tyrolean mountain landscape makes a simple walk a…
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    Useful Information

    Some useful rules of conduct in the mountains ensure that the trip becomes a…

Suggested accommodations

  1. Kolfuschgerhof Mountain Resort
    Kolfuschgerhof Mountain Resort

    Kolfuschgerhof Mountain Resort

Tips and more infos