ortler gipfel mit marltferner gletscher
ortler gipfel mit marltferner gletscher

Three-Thousanders in South Tyrol

Hiking above the clouds… by climbing South Tyrolean Three-Thousanders you can get closer to heaven

South Tyrol has about 350 main peaks and further 300 secondary peaks over 3,000 metres. The Ortles Alps exhibit some of the most famous Three-Thousanders in the Eastern Alps, including Mt. Gran Zebrù, Mt. Zebrù and King Ortles which almost reaches 4,000 m a.s.l. Also in the Tures and Aurina Valleys you will find 80 Three-Thousanders, making South Tyrol and its valleys the ideal holiday destination for all of you who aim high!

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Suggested accommodations

  1. Kolfuschgerhof Mountain Resort
    Kolfuschgerhof Mountain Resort

    Kolfuschgerhof Mountain Resort

Tips and more infos