pragser wildsee
pragser wildsee

Lake Hiking Trails

In the South Tyrolean lake landscape, wonderful hikes await you between mountains and valleys

South Tyrol is a land of lakes, and its beautiful waters are always a point of attraction for hikers. A picnic by the lake, with the peaks reflecting in it, a dip in the cool water of a biotope: Often a trail leads all around, such as at Lake Braies, Lake Favogna, Lake Antholz or Lake Caldaro. The lake can also be the highlight or destination of a hike.

Discover our hiking tips for unforgettable tours to the lakes of South Tyrol!

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    Useful Information

    Some useful rules of conduct in the mountains ensure that the trip becomes a…
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    To Lake Tret on the Palade Pass

    This year the temperatures rise already in April up to 30 degrees C, so a hike to…
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    From Obereggen to Lake Carezza

    Hiking across coniferous forests at the foot of Mount Latemar to the famous mountain lake.
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    From Tirolo to the Casera Superiore Mountain Hut

    The mountain hike leads via Mt. Dosso della Muta through the Val Sopranes valley to…
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    To the Gelati Lakes in the Valle di Scaleres valley

    Walking along the rushing Rio Scaleres to the Laghi Gelati lakes at the foot of the…
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    From Aldino to Lake Colle

    Across the forest the hike leads us to the Rocce Rosse viewpoint and the famous…
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    Through the Spring Valley to Lake Caldaro

    This easy hike is particularly pleasant in spring when nature awakes and a sea of…
  8. Steinrast Kofelraster Seen Ulten Seen Ankunft person marketing peer

    From Pracupola to the Covolo Lakes

    Passing several alpine pastures and grazing cows, the hike in the Val d’Ultimo…
  9. Vahrner See

    Around Lake Varna

    Family walk at the Lago di Varna lake, ideal also for buggies: An absolute must-do…
  10. Spronser Seen Kaser Lacke Pfitschlacke

    Via the Valcanale Pass to the Sopranes Lakes

    The lake district of Sopranes is one of the most impressive mountain lake…
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    From Maso Ronco to the Monticolo Lakes

    Easy promenade across the Monticolo Forest and round the two beautiful and famous lakes.
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    To the Saldura Lakes in the Mazia Valley

    The lake district in the back Val di Mazia valley, straight beneath the glaciated…
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    To the Steinwand Lakes on Mt. Corno Bianco

    Two small mountain lakes are located below the highest peak of the Sarentino Alps…
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    From Santa Gertrude to the Corvo Lakes

    Along the ridge between the Val d’Ultimo and the Val di Rabbi valleys the beautiful…
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    To the Prete Lakes on Mt. Watles

    The Prete Lakes are a true natural jewel in the upper Val Venosta valley at 2,240 m…
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    Along the Vadena Trail to the Monticolo Lakes

    Also in late autumn this easy circular walk through the deciduous forests near…
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    From Magrè to Favogna

    Lake Favogna is located at about 1,000 m a.s.l. in Favogna: An ancient path…
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    Via the Covelano Mountain Hut to Lake Covelano

    Crisp hiking tour on the Monte Tramontana in the Val Venosta valley: to the…
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    Seven Lakes Tour in Ridanna

    This extensive hike around seven lakes in the upper Ridanna Valley is undoubtedly a…
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    To the Marmo Lake near Valles

    High routes, alpine meadows, a mountain lake, a canyon, landscapes with meadows and…
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    From Lazfons to Lake Col Rodella

    The Lago Rodella lake is located on a western slope above Bressanone at 2,250 m…
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    To Lake Alpe beneath the Rombo Pass

    This almost 8 km long walking tour with only 320 m altitude difference gives…
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    Through the Sagbach Valley to Lake San Pancrazio

    The hike via the Durra Mountain Hut hut in the Sagbach Valley takes us up to the…
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    Caldaro Wine Trail

    The Caldaro Wine Trail is a hike through the picturesque alleys of Caldaro and…
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    To Lake Pontelletto

    The Pontelletto Mountain Hut (Puntleider Seealm in German) and the enchanting Lake…
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    Via the Auerberg Mountain Hut to Lake Seefeld

    The Auerberg Valley branches off the Val d’Ultimo valley and stretches up to the…
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    Via the Malga Simile Mahd to Lake Selvaggio

    Lake Selvaggio at the foot of the Picco della Croce is a jewel of the Fundres…
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    Around Lake Resia

    The largest lake of South Tyrol is surrounded by a 15 km long promenade, ideal for…
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    From the Monticolo Lakes to the Colle dell'Uomo hill

    Autumn hike across the Monticolo Forest to the famous viewpoint at the Monte di…
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    Around Lake Vernago

    In the beautiful Val Senales, we discover Lake Vernago, an artificial lake of 100…
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    From Maso Corto to the Tasca Ridge

    An excursion into the high mountains of the Val Senales valley, to the Giogo Tasca…
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    Falkomai Mountain Huts and Alpine Roses Trail

    A mountain lake, alpine pastures, panoramic views and a varied landscape make up…
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    Neves High Route

    Hiking through the unique glaciers landscape of the Zillertal Alps, at the foot of…
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    Via Lake Obersee to the Stalle Mountain Hut

    This hike leads from the Passo Stalle, which connects the Valle di Anterselva in…
  35. Klosteralm

    From Certosa to Lake Sassalbo

    This hike with starting point in Certosa in Val Senales takes you to a…
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    From Lake Anterselva to the Steinzger Mountain Hut

    This hike leads from the idyllic Lake Anterselva through the woods near the border…
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    From Predoi to Lake Selva

    Mountain walk on the sunny side of the Valle Aurina to the Selva Mountain Hut and…
  38. Durnholz Seeb Alm

    To the Seeb Mountain Hut in the Sarentino Valley

    This family hiking tour leads us from Lake Valdurna along the Seebtal stream to the…

Suggested accommodations

  1. Kolfuschgerhof Mountain Resort
    Kolfuschgerhof Mountain Resort

    Kolfuschgerhof Mountain Resort

Tips and more infos