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weg nr bei muthof talbauer herbst

High Routes

South Tyrol offers, among others, the 10 Dolomites High Routes which lead through the fascinating Dolomites in one to three weeks

A High Route, or Alta Via, means a trail which takes you along a mountain ridge or even a whole mountain range. The most famous one of South Tyrol, known as one of the most beautiful High Routes in the Alps, is 100 km long and leads through the Gruppo di Tessa Nature Park: the Merano High Route. It can be walked in 9 daily stages, with overnight stays in the valley or on a mountain hut. Discover some tips for High Routes.

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    Merano High Route

    Indulge in the pleasure of a multi-day tour around the Tessa Group, on one of the…
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Suggested accommodations

  1. Kolfuschgerhof Mountain Resort
    Kolfuschgerhof Mountain Resort

    Kolfuschgerhof Mountain Resort

Tips and more infos