
Naz-Sciaves Apple Festival

At the traditional Apple Festival in the Isarco Valley in October, the Apple Queen of Naz-Sciaves is crowned every year

In Naz-Sciaves in the Valle Isarco, South Tyrolean apples are grown. The trees are nice to look at in spring during the apple blossom, and then carry small apples in summer, which are harvested in autumn as red and yellow varieties. Once the harvest is finished, it's time to celebrate: The Apple Festival with the crowning of the Apple Queen is on the agenda.

For three decades now, it has taken place every year on the second Sunday in October. The festival is officially opened with live music, Bavarian veal sausage and pretzels, followed by tasting freshly harvested apples. The highlight is the grand parade through the village with its beautifully decorated floats, the bands and the festive coach carrying the reigning and the yet uncrowned Apple Queen. There is also a huge apple crown made from approx. 3,000 apples.

Afterwards, the new Apple Queen is crowned, who will represent the high plateau at home and abroad. The festival is rounded off with a farmers' market. Another big festival takes place in spring: the Naz-Sciaves Blossom Festival, where also the Apple Queen comes for a visit.

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