haflinger erlebnisweg pferdekutsche
haflinger erlebnisweg pferdekutsche

Haflinger Horse Adventure Trail

A theme trail on the high plateau of Avelengo-Verano-Merano 2000 follows in the footsteps of the friendly Haflinger horses

The Haflinger horse, long kept as a pack animal, has become an extremely popular leisure horse. The breed, recognisable by its blond mane, is considered robust, good-natured and adaptable. In Avelengo, a 2 km long theme trail suitable for prams has been dedicated to it, which leads in one hour from Avelengo village (1,300 m a.s.l.) to the famous St. Catherine Church in Santa Caterina. The pleasant hike along the Haflinger Horse Adventure Trail - "Haflinger Erlebnisweg" in German, "Sentiero Avventura del Cavallo" in Italian - follows the old "Bürgeleweg" path and also passes the Sulfner riding stable, which is considered the actual breeding station for the Haflinger.

12 stations with information boards, experiments, skill courses and games tell about the blond horses and offer children lots of opportunities to get active. The mascot Foly accompanies the hike: His name is not derived from "foal" (Fohlen, in German), but from the stallion named "249 Folie", born in 1874 in Sluderno and a crossing of a half-Oriental stallion and a native mare. He is considered the first official Haflinger.

stroller-friendly suited for families difficulty: easy theme trail
  • Starting point:
    Hiking car park Avelengo
  • Time required:
    02:00 h
  • Track length:
    6,3 km
  • Altitude:
    from 1.235 m to 1.340 m
  • Altitude difference:
    +205 m | -205 m
  • Signposts:
    Haflinger Erlebnisweg, 15B Wasserfall
  • Track surface:
    Asphalt, dirt road
  • Recommended time of year:
    Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
  • Download GPX track:
    Haflinger Horse Adventure Trail

If you want to do this hike, we suggest you to check the weather and trail conditions in advance and on site before setting out.

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