In the Wood Wonder World of Dobbiaco in the Upper Val Pusteria, children learn more about the living environment forests
Image gallery: Dobbiaco Wood Wonder World
In the Dobbiaco Wood Wonder World - "WaldWunderWelt Toblach" in German, "Mondo Magico della Foresta a Dobbiaco" in Italian - everyone is made familiar with the habitat forest and also with wood in general, in a playful manner. Much space is dedicated to guessing games, learning and playing. Starting from the central element, that is to say a wooden platform arranged like a star, they can follow the roots of the tree trunk, leading the way to the nearby areas.
The geology station makes kids get to know more about the most important stones and rocks, while a marine otter slide provides for the fun factor. Moreover kids can crawl into a bird's nest and experience it from inside, and compete with different species of animals in high jumping. An interesting undertaking! More information about wood and its use is provided in the Tree Village.
The Wood Wonder World is best accessible from the Three Peaks Visitor Centre, which is located in the Via Dolomit road in Dobbiaco village. Another trail can be found near the Show Corridor in the District Heating Plant of Dobbiaco-San Candido: the Biomass Educational Trail in the forest.
Contact info
- Via Stazione / Bahnhofstrasse - 39034 - Dobbiaco / Toblach
- +39 0474 972132
Opening times
Always open
freely accessible