Wanderung WEB
Wanderung WEB

Collepietra Rocket Tree House

From the main square in Collepietra in the Val d’Ega valley, a hiking path leads to the tree house in the shape of a rocket

A giant wooden rocket tree house rises just after the Öl Forest Recreation Area in a wood of Collepietra (Steinegg): It represents one of the stations of the 12 km long Star Trail, but the walk to the Collepietra Rocket Tree House can also be done independently from it. South Tyrol's school classes could contribute their ideas on what could be realised along the path.

Seating and rest areas are available. If you want to go directly to the rocket tree house with its turrets and the wooden letters NASA, you can start at the main square and follow for 40 minutes the hiking path no. 2 to this special playground. After an afternoon surrounded by the greenery of nature in Collepietra, the way back to the main square follows the same trail. Collepietra is part of the 1st European Star Village which includes highlights such as the Planetarium South Tyrol in San Valentino in Campo and the Astronomical Observatory Max Valier.

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Opening times

Always open


Collepietra Rocket Tree House freely accessible

More information

Hike recommended during the summer months between June and September.

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