Niedermair Hof
Niedermair Hof

Niedermair farm inn

The both panelled parlours invite to spend pleasant hours and to enjoy South Tyrolean specialities

High above Castelbello, on the Mt. Trumes, lies the Niedermairhof. From the sun terrace you can enjoy a fantastic view. The Kaserer family spoils you with typical South Tyrolean farmhouse cuisine and makes every gourmet's heart beat faster.

Speck, cheese, "Kaminwurzen" (chimney smoked sausage), dried beef and home made bread. speck dumpling soup, cheese dumplings, liver dumplings, "Backerbsensuppe" (home-made broth with Austrian style croutons), Vinschger bread soup, consommé with milt croutons. Mountain cheese dumplings, nettle dumplings, beetroot dumplings depending on season. "Schöpsernes" (mutton), roast beef, house sausage, fried eggs with sautéed potatoes, seasonal salads. "Kaiserschmarrn" (sugared pancake with raisins), omelettes, home made "Krapfen" (fried sweet pastries), Austrian style croissants and apple strudel.

In spring, salad with cress and in winter, beetroot and cabbage salad, as well as kohlrabi. Juices: red currant, elderflower, plum, raspberry.

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Opening times

Open from 1st April to 20th December. Thursdays closed. From 15th June to 15th August closed Thursdays and Sundays. Orders in advance required for evening meals.

More information

Access route: Coming from Merano turn right in the centre of Castelbello, proceed towards Trumsberg for about 10 km.

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