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Submerge yourself in a variety of domestic South Tyrolean farm products

Fruit juices, fruit and herb syrups, fruit jams, dried fruit, distillates, vinegar, herbs, cheese and dairy products, fresh meat, free-range eggs, bread, speck and sausages as well as sauces and pickles - an abundance of domestic products from the farmers waits for you.

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  1. produktgruppe bier hauptbild

    Craft beers from South Tyrolean farmers

    For the beers under the “Red Rooster” trademark, the grain for the beer production…
  2. bauernbrot brot roter hahn

    Bread, corn and pasta

    A unique scent is in the air - wood oven bread from the farmer.
  3. Cider MG


    Fresh, fruity, sparkling! The ciders under the “Red Rooster” brand provide…
  4. Destillate


    Each farmer keeps his secret of distilling like a treasure.
  5. Essig


    Vinegar specialities of all kinds - single-origin or mixtures - offer many…
  6. Eier

    Free-range eggs

    Only happy hens and quails lay the best eggs.
  7. Frisches Obst und Gemuese

    Fresh fruit and vegetables

    Are you interested in vitamin supplements? Quite simply, with fresh fruit and…
  8. Frischfleisch Produkte

    Fresh meat

    Regionality from the first to the last bite - fresh meat from the farm.
  9. Fruchtaufstriche

    Fruit jams

    Sun-ripened fruits on the bread - healthy fruit spreads with little sugar.
  10. Fruchtsaefte neu

    Fruit juices

    In pressed form South Tyrolean apples and grapes result in a delicious thirst quencher.
  11. Fruchtsirups

    Fruit syrups

    Made of fruits, blossoms or herbs - home-made syrups become more and more popular.
  12. Honig


    Hard-working South Tyrolean bees provide precious liquid gold.
  13. Kaese und Milchprodukte

    Cheese and dairy goods

    Fresh mountain air, lush grass and spicy herbs on the South Tyrolean meadows have a…
  14. Kraeuter


    Natural remedies against everything.
  15. Bauernhof Pilze RA

    Cultivated mushrooms

    Mushroom cultivation is an art that needs to be learned in order to achieve the…
  16. Sossen Bild

    Sauces and pickles

    Sauces and pickles are enjoying great popularity.
  17. Speck Bild

    Speck and sausages

    Speck bacon is strongly linked to the country and its peasant tradition.
  18. Trockenobst

    Dried fruit

    Dried apples, pears or persimmons - a healthy snack for in-between.
  19. Wein Produktbild


    In vino veritas! This is especially true for wines under the trademark “Red Rooster”.

Suggested accommodations

  1. Boutique Hotel Eschenlohe
    Boutique Hotel Eschenlohe

    Boutique Hotel Eschenlohe

Tips and more infos