Valentinhof Bild
Valentinhof Bild

Valentinhof organic farm

At the organic farm Valentinhof a big variety of fruit and vegetables is cultivated

Valentinhof farm is a varied organic farm that is easily reachable in Meran. A wide variety of berries and stone fruit as well as several types of vegetables are cultivated in a sustainable and natural manner on the terrain around the farm. The farm's own fruit and vegetables along with other products are on sale in the farm shop all the year round.

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Access route: From the station, drive towards the town centre and take the second exit into J.-Speckbacher-Str. at the first large roundabout, then drive over the railway track in Schießstandstr. for another 300m to get to the farm. Open Tuesdays and Thursdays 9.00 - 12.00 and 15.30 - 19.00; Saturdays open 9.00 - 13.00. Only open on Saturdays in winter.

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