
Unterratschill-Hof farm

The Unterratschill-Hof farm offers alpine farmers meat on advance order

Unterratschill Hof farm is located on a steep slope at 1,285 metres above sea level on the Vinschgau Sonnenberg mountainside. It has been family run since 1857. The farmer, Werner Perkmann, is committed to sustainable farming, which is why all his livestock, not just young oxen and lambs, but also pigs and turkeys, are fed with the best silage-free hay from mountain meadows. "Latscher Bergbauernfleisch" meat may be ordered in mixed and vacuum-packed packages.

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Access route: Coming from Meran, turn off right in Kastelbell in the St. Martin direction and follow signs to "Latscher Bergbauernfleisch". After 11 km you'll reach the mountain farm.

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