rieglhof hauptbild
rieglhof hauptbild

Rieglhof farm

At the Rieglhof farm delicious cheeses made from raw cow milk as well as yoghurt and fruit whey are produced

Rieglhof farm is situated in Langtaufertal valley at an altitude of 1,640 metres above sea level. The farm is run by the Patscheider family with plenty of commitment and enthusiasm. Milk is turned into high quality cheese and yoghurt in the small speciality cheese dairy.

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Access route: At Graun/Curon Venosta, turn into the Langtauferertal/Valle Lunga. After 4 km turn right at the hamlet of Kapron. Following the road, shortly after the bridge, is the "Rieglhof" on the right hand side.

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