Hieslerhof Bild
Hieslerhof Bild

Hieslerhof farm

At sunny Hieslerhof farm busy bees collect purest nectar

Hieslerhof farm is set at 1,353 m a.s.l. in an idyllic spot on the sunny high plateau of Hafling above Meran. Bees are kept in a species-appropriate manner in harmony with nature. "I take great care to place the hives nearby in order to give my bees access to the purest nectar and pollen available" explains Christian, the young farmer. This guarantees an unmistakeable honey taste.

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Access route: Drive in the Hafling direction from Meran and, after the bridge and tunnel, turn left into Hinterdorfweg. After 2km, turn left at the junction and carry on 150m to Hieslerhof farm.

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