
Baschtele farm

At the Baschtele farm various goat cheeses and yoghurt from goat milk are produced

The locals call the Mittergraben farm set at an altitude of 1,250 m in the Ultental/Val d'Ultimo valley "Baschtele". This name comes from the verb "basteln" in German and indicates that the farm's inhabitants used to be skilled craftsmen. The same is true today, and Edith and her family have fulfilled their dream with their 60 white Saanen goats, whose milk is sent to the farm cheese dairy and carefully made into cheese.

Contact info

  • Mittergraben 63 - 39016 - San Nicolò Ultimo / St. Nikolaus Ulten
  • +39 333 3346614

More information

Access route: From Lana, drive into Ultental/Val d'Ultimo valley until St. Nikolaus/S. Nicolò. After the "Waltershof" guesthouse turn right and follow the road for 1 km. The farm is on the left hand side after a small bridge, right on the Ultner Höfeweg path.

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