hochseilgarten st ulrich
hochseilgarten st ulrich

High-rope Courses

A day in one of the high-rope courses, such as on Lake Issengo or in the Val di Funes and Val di Senales valleys, is a unique experience

The concept of high-rope courses comes from the US: It involves kind of steeplechase, like it was used by the army in their training programme. The elements of a high rope course, however, are fixed between treetops in an altitude of up to 20 m. Steel ropes, pendant bridges, tubes, platforms and other elements belong to a high-rope course, which is usually made up of various levels of difficulty. In fact, a great deal of courage is needed in order to overcome one level after the other...

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  1. hochseilgarten st ulrich

    Adventure Parks and High-rope Courses

    Fancy a thrill high above the ground? South Tyrol’s high-ropes courses await!
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    Funes-Dolomites Adventure Park

    An adventure in the treetops of the Funes Valley with views of the famous Odle peaks.
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    Skytrek Vipiteno Adventure Park

    Family climbing fun at the valley station of the Monte Cavallo in Vipiteno.
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