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Climbing and Mountaineering

High-rope courses, high routes and climbing gardens take you in to lofty heights and to South Tyrol’s most beautiful mountains

Enjoy unforgettable climbing experiences in the mountain world of South Tyrol, on the high-rope courses and high routes, as well as on numerous indoor climbing walls and outdoor practice areas. And always watch the according safety rules: Appropriate shoes, clothing and equipment, and good weather are essential. And now it's time to start your mountain adventure...

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  1. klettersteig

    South Tyrol's Alpine Schools

    A total of 12 alpine school can be found in the region, between Solda in the Val…
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    Via Ferratas

    The Brigata Tridentina Route in the mighty Sella Group is the most popular via…
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    Climbing Gardens

    South Tyrol provides numerous possibilities for outdoor climbing, including Dam…
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    High-rope Courses

    A day in one of the high-rope courses, such as on Lake Issengo or in the Val di…
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    Indoor Climbing Walls

    South Tyrol’s indoor climbing walls between the Val Venosta valley and the Val…
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    Ice Climbing

    The Ice Tower in Corvara in the Val Passiria valley is one of the most spectacular…
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    Reinhold Messner

    Always according to the motto “I am what I do” - that is Reinhold Messner, one of…

Suggested accommodations

  1. Kolfuschgerhof Mountain Resort
    Kolfuschgerhof Mountain Resort

    Kolfuschgerhof Mountain Resort

Tips and more infos