The annual work steps done by winegrowers in the vineyard - from the first shoots to the vintage - last from January to autumn
Image gallery: Wine Year
- January: The one year old wood is cut away except for 1 or 2 rods (grapevine pruning), and in the cellars the first new wine is bottled (from the last year).
- March: The above mentioned rods are tied to wires, furthermore the wires and columns are checked and repaired if necessary.
- May/June: The fresh shoots grow and have to be protected from Peronospera, a genus of plant pathogens, belonging to the class of water moulds.
- June/July: In these summer months the leaves' work is done, and the side shoots and superfluous leaves are removed.
- August: The superfluous grapes are removed in order to leave only one grape on every shoot and therefore be able to produce a high quality wine.
- Autumn: The vintage starts at the beginning of September with the white grapes in the lower areas, and lasts until mid-October in the higher areas (over 500 m a.s.l.). In October the ripened grapes are selected, in order to produce high quality wines.
- December: The wine ferments until mid-December in casks in the cellars, the ground gets frozen and the vine rests until the next beginning of vegetation.