terlan ost weinberge
terlan ost weinberge

Terlano Wine Trail

The leisurely excursion along the Terlano Wine Trail is a journey through the vineyards at the foot of Mt. Monzoccolo

The slopes on Mt. Monzoccolo, or Tschögglberg, which descend towards the Adige Valley, are sunny and ideally suited for winegrowing. Wine was already cultivated here long before the Romans, as finds from the Iron Age, including a vine knife, prove. In the Middle Ages, monasteries such as the Wilten Abbey near Innsbruck and St. Afra near Augsburg owned vineyards in this area. Already in 1893, the first winery cooperative was founded in the neighbouring village of Andriano.

The hike along the Terlano Wine Trail - "Terlaner Weinweg" in German, "Sentiero Enologico di Terlano" in Italian -, 3.7 km long, takes you through the vineyards and their history, past old vine arbour systems and historic residences. It starts and ends at the winery in Terlano village, known for its excellent white wines and the special wine offered during the Terlano Asparagus Weeks.

First you go up along the Margarethe Trail, where you will find the first of the 20 information boards that tell about the cultivated wine varieties and local peculiarities. Then always follow the information boards up to a maximum of 347 m a.s.l. Guided hikes are offered regularly and there is also a brochure "Terlano and the Wine". Walking time: approx. 1.5 hours.

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