weinlehrpfad bei margreid
weinlehrpfad bei margreid

Wine Educational Trails

Various themed trails around grapes and wine lead through South Tyrol’s vineyard landscape

Pinot Noir Trail and Via Vinum Venostis, Wine Trail to Lake Caldaro and Gewürztraminer Trail: There are several leisurely hikes leading through the vineyard landscapes and telling interesting facts about the grapes, their cultivation and their processing at the individual stops. And in the wineries in between, you can taste the good wines. Come along!

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    Gewurztraminer Trail

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    The leisurely excursion along the Terlano Wine Trail is a journey through the…
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    Via Vinum Venostis

    The wine trail in the Val Venosta valley between Laces and Juval follows the the…
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    Bressanone Vineyard Trail

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    Lagundo Wine Trail

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    Castel Sallegg Wine Trail

    An educational wine trail leads from the centre of Caldaro through the vineyards to…
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    Cornaiano Wine Trail

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    Caldaro Wine Trail

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Suggested accommodations

  1. FAYN garden retreat hotel
    FAYN garden retreat hotel

    FAYN garden retreat hotel

Tips and more infos