Montiggler See halb zugefroren Schnee Ente
Montiggler See halb zugefroren Schnee Ente

Legend: The Wild Man of Monticolo

Once upon a time in the Forest of Monticolo there was a spooky hovel, which was avoided by people

The legend says that up there, a man of immense size and strength lived, who was only called "the Wild Man of Monticolo". Numerous legends entwine around him. It is said, that an old woman went to the forest to collect brushwood. But before the woman noticed, the sun set and the night surprised her. She never came back. At night nobody dared to search for her, but when the people went into the forest the next morning to look for her, they found her remains on the so-called Wilder Mann Bühel (Wild Man Hill) near the hut of the monster: The Wild Man had eaten her.

Another day, the Wild Man of Monticolo came to Colterenzio and took two oxen from the next farm with which he brought stones up to his hill. The farmer sneaked after him and had to watch as the Wild Man hit his little oxen. But he was too cowardly to move against him. The next morning he found the oxen in his stable again: They had become much fatter and stronger, so that the farmer, who had observed their work the previous day, could hardly believe his eyes.

Once, people went to the Monticolo Forest to collect leaves. When they passed the hut of the Wild Man, they couldn't resist their curiosity and looked through the door. Inside they saw a pit and because they didn't notice a trace of the wild one, they ventured into the hut and descended into the hole. Suddenly the pit began to turn and the walls were of pure gold. The cheeky ones managed to climb up again, but when they wanted to look for the golden walls, the gold had disappeared again. Today the Wild Man Hill next to the Monticolo Lakes reminds those legends.

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