Haeusl am Stein
Haeusl am Stein

House on the Stone

A small farmhouse sits enthroned like an eagle’s nest on a huge boulder in San Pancrazio at the entrance of the Val d’Ultimo valley

Below Bagno Lad in San Pancrazio at the entrance of the Val d'Ultimo valley and along the course of the Valsura River, a few small farms had stood for a long time. Until 1882, when a violent storm caused a storm surge that swept everything away. The only remnant was a small house whose surroundings were washed away, but which managed to hold itself up on a rock. The owners only saw after the disaster that their "Häusl" (small house) was built on a huge boulder.

Today, this extraordinary building is still inhabited, widely known and a curious sight: The huge rock seems to be bigger than the entire wooden house and to carry it on its back. A leisurely walk leads from San Pancrazio to the "Häusl am Stoan" (House on the Stone), as it is called in the local dialect. The riverbank is suitable for a summer picnic. This Valsura River has been tamed in the meantime - the nearby Pancrazio Reservoir is one of the many reservoirs in the Val d'Ultimo that serve to generate energy. And how to reach the "Häusl am Stoan", built around 1700?

It is located near the sports zone of San Pancrazio, below the valley road at 718 m a.s.l. It is a bit hidden between meadows and trees. Unfortunately, it can only be visited from the outside. Also during the 4-hour hike from the Monte San Vigilio to San Pancrazio you may plan a stop there.

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The House on the Stone can be seen only from the outside.

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