wiesen unter dem wuerzjoch blick auf peitlerkofel
wiesen unter dem wuerzjoch blick auf peitlerkofel

Flora and fauna

Beautiful mountain pastures and dense spruce forests characterise the high-altitude nature park of the Puez and Odle Groups

The rich variety of local flora in the Puez-Odle Nature Park is outstanding and comprises the Putia spruce trees and the larch forests close to "Halsl". However, Swiss stone pines can be found in the area around the mighty Sass de Putia, the highest peak of the Putia Group. The vegetation of the mountain meadows and alpine pastures includes the spring pasqueflower, the alpine snowbell and the Crocus, while during the summer months you can see Lamiaceae and Scrophulariaceae. In the higher regions, the edelweiss, the Alpine aster and the bellflower flourish.

In the nature park you can also admire the spotted gentian with its light colours as opposed to the blue gentian. The golden eagle, the chamois and the marmot are representatives of the fauna. The eagle owl - the largest owl in South Tyrol - has been observed several times in the Vallunga valley, whereas the open meadows are a paradise for roe deers. In the protected area there are wonderful places such as the Passo delle Erbe, where the witches dance in July, the High Route no. 2 in the Dolomites, known as the "High Route of Legends", and highlands such as the Seceda.

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