kohlweissling und disteln
kohlweissling und disteln

Flora and fauna

The Monte Corno Nature Park features the richest flora and fauna of all nature parks in South Tyrol

The terrain of the area around Mt. Corno in the Fiemme Mountains is geologically made up of two different types of rocks: the bright dolomitic limestone and the brownish quartz porphyry. Also the Monte Corno (Trudner Horn) itself consists of quartz porphyry. Due to its geographical position and the sub-Mediterranean climate, the Monte Corno Nature Park features an impressive flora and fauna. If you are lucky you might spot the fire salamander or the badger, the edible dormouse or the wood mouse, the woodpecker or the hoopoe with its tall erectile crest.

In higher altitudes live the common raven - which was considered to be extinct in large parts of Central Europe by 1940 - and the mountain hare. Also the flora is interesting, with fire lilies, sundews, a carnivorous plant, as well as different species of orchids and anemones. The slopes of the so-called King Meadow (Prato del Re) and Mt. Cislon are characterised by beeches and firs. You can see them during the hike from Trodena to the Cislon Mountain Hut. In altitudes of more than 1,000 metres a.s.l., however, the beeches are replaced by spruces, larches and mountain ashes.

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Suggested accommodations

  1. Hotel Restaurant Elefant
    Hotel Restaurant Elefant - Hotel Elefant, Auer

    Hotel Restaurant Elefant

  2. Hotel Villa Groff
    Hotel Villa Groff

    Hotel Villa Groff

Tips and more infos