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erdpyramiden ritten

Earth Pyramids of the Renon and Collepietra

Particularly famous are the Earth Pyramids of the Renon, the highest and most beautifully shaped in all of Europe

The Renon Earth Pyramids in the Sarentino Alps were formed by late glacial moraine loam, which was deposited here by the large Valle Isarco main glacier as well as by local tributary glaciers. They can be admired in three different places on the high plateau above Bolzano: in the gorge of the Rio Fosco on the way from Longomoso to Santa Maria, in the gorge of the Rio Rivellone below Soprabolzano and in the Fosso di Castero or Gasterergraben in Auna di Sotto.

Those of Soprabolzano can be best seen on a hike along the Earth Pyramid Path starting at the mountain station of the Renon Cable Car or during a Llama-Trekking Tour, whereas the ones of Longomoso can be reached during the circular hike above Collalbo. The pillars are not only the highlight of a hike, but also a popular photo motif. Above the impressive elevations, the houses on the Renon can be seen, which seem small in comparison with the imposing ditch. The majestic Dolomites rise in the background. While those of Soprabolzano and Longomoso are pinkish-reddish, the Auna di Sotto Earth Pyramids have a white hue.

Also close to Bolzano, 14 km away in Collepietra in the Val d'Ega valley, there are more Earth Pyramids. The popular Pyramid Path leads from the village to the natural monument high above the Valle di Tires valley in one hour. Information boards tell about the formation of these earth pillars, but also about the legends and myths surrounding them, when their appearance could not be explained scientifically. By the way: The lifespan of the Earth Pyramids depends on how fast the stone that protects the column from the weather comes crashing down.

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