winterwald bei allitz tanas dahinter laaser orgelspitze winter
winterwald bei allitz tanas dahinter laaser orgelspitze winter

Lasa Mountains

The Lasa Mountains with their more than 3,000 m high giants surround the eponymous side valley in the Val Venosta

Lasa in the Val Venosta valley is surrounded by the Lasa Mountains, a subgroup of the Ortles Alps. They are called Laaser Berge in German, and Monti di Lasa in Italian. The uninhabited Lasa Valley is integrated in the Stelvio National Park and is also well-known for another feature: the world-famous marble from Lasa. Its peaks have poetic names like Big Angel (Grande Angelo) and Little Angel (Piccolo Angelo). Among the high peaks there are also the Cima Vertana (3,545 m a.s.l.), the highest summit of the Lasa Mountains, Mt. Punta dello Scudo (3,461 m a.s.l.), a popular panorama mountain with fantastic view, and Mt. Punta di Lasa (3,305 m a.s.l.).

The hiking tour to this latter peak starts in Martello and leads in a 4-hour walk from the Stallwies tavern to the summit. Another popular excursion destination in this area is the Lasa di Sopra Mountain Hut, which is open at weekends in summer. It is located at 2,047 m a.s.l. beneath Mt. Vedretta di Lasa, one of the largest glaciers in the Ortles Alps. Starting in the village of Lasa, the hike to the Lasa alpine pastures takes more than 4 hours - the walking time will be reduced to the half by parking at the mountain station of the Lasa light railway. Mt. Grugno di Porco (2,727 m a.s.l.) and Mt. Taitscheroi (3,139 m a.s.l.) are accessible from the Lasa di Sopra Mountain Hut. By bike, you may explore the marble quarries: The MTB tour from Covelano to the marble quarry and the MTB tour from Lasa through the Lasa Valley take you these special places above the valley.

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