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st helena kirchlein ulten dahinter naturnser hochwart

Gioveretto Group

The mountain crest, which separates the Val d’Ultimo from the Val Venosta, is called Gioveretto Group and belongs to the Ortles Alps

On the north side of Ultimo, the divide between the Val d'Ultimo and the Val Venosta is located, the Gioveretto Group. It stretches from the Monte San Vigilio near Lana until the foothills of the Ortles Alps and Mt. Cima Gioveretto (3,439 m a.s.l.), the name-giving peak. In this mountain crest, also Lake Gioveretto, a reservoir, is located. Part of the Gioveretto Group or Zufrittkamm are e.g. the Ultimo Mountains with the most eastern glacier of the entire Ortles Alps, Mt. Orecchia di Lepre (Rabbit Ear, 3,257 m a.s.l.). Besides the numerous huts, there are other popular destinations in this area such as Mt. Gran Ladro (Big Thief, 2,730 m a.s.l.) and Mt. Il Sasso (Stone, 2,530 m a.s.l.).

The Canziani Hut at the Lago Verde lake is the only mountain hut with overnight accommodation in this area. It is accessible within only two hours from Fontana Bianca in the rear Val d'Ultimo valley. Another hiking possibility is Mt. Guardia Alta (2,608 m a.s.l.) in Merano and surroundings, the path is rocky but not very difficult. Also beautiful alpine lakes can be found in the Gioveretto Group, such as the Covolo Lakes and the Green Lake in Ultimo, and highlights such as the Plima Gorge Trail, an interesting and fascinating nature trail in Martello. Wonderful experiences in winter are the snowshoe hike in Fontana Bianca and the winter hike on Mount San Vigilio.

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