ortlergruppe von zufallspitzen cevedale bis hoher angelus fr
ortlergruppe von zufallspitzen cevedale bis hoher angelus fr

Cevedale Group

The Cevedale Group is named after the third highest summit in the Ortles Alps, the Monte Cevedale

Mt. Ortles, Mt. Gran Zebrù and the Monte Cevedale are the Big Three of the Ortles Alps. The 3,769 m high Mt. Cevedale is embedded in the Stelvio National Park and represents a preserved area. On its top proceeds the border between the Lombardic province of Sondrio and the Trentino. Along this mountain crest also further gigantic mountains rise. Next to the Monte Cevedale, the two Cevedale Peaks are located: Mt. Cevedale II (3,757 m a.s.l.) which marks the border triangle Sondrio - Trentino - South Tyrol, and the lower southern pre-summit (3,700 m a.s.l.).

A wonderful hike in this context is the mountain tour to the glacier at Mt. Cevedale. Furthermore, Mt. Pasquale (3,553 m a.s.l.) and Mt. Palòn de la Mare (3,703 m a.s.l.) belong to the Cevedale Group. The area is also popular among ski tourers in winter. An overnight stay could be planned at the Gianni Casati Mountain Hut (3,269 m a.s.l.) which is accessible from the Solda Skiing Area in the Val Venosta valley. Mt. Cevedale can also be reached from the Martello Mountain Hut (2,580 m a.s.l.) or from the Branca Hut (2,487 m a.s.l.). Partly remains of WWI are visible, because here the Italian-Austrian front line of the so-called Mountain Warfare proceeded.

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