laugenspitze ober ultental
laugenspitze ober ultental

Monte Luco

Mt. Luco with its two peaks is almost 2,500 m high and therefore the highest elevation of the Nonsberg Group

Between the Upper Val di Non and Ultimo, the highest mountain of the Nonsberg Group is located: the Monte Luco (Laugenspitze) with 2,434 m a.s.l. The double peak divides the mountain into the Monte Luco and the Piccolo (Small) Luco. Due to the vicinity to the Ortles Alps in the neighbouring Val Venosta, sometimes it is wrongly added to this mountain group. Its rocks are mainly porphyry, the two peaks are remains of a volcano. The higher peak - Mt. Luco (2,434 m a.s.l.) - is separated from the Piccolo Luco (2,297 m a.s.l.) by Lake Luco.

Beneath the summit the border to the neighbouring province of Trentino is located, the Palade Pass and the holiday village Senale-San Felice. A popular excursion destination is also the Luco Mountain Hut which can be reached also during the cold months in a winter hike. Already in 1552 the Monte Luco was climbed for the first time and still today it is well-known for its gorgeous panoramic view, ranging from the Texel Group in the north to the Ortles Alps in the west, and further to the Dolomites and the Brenta and Presanella Groups in the Trentino.

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