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Sopranes Lakes

The Sopranes Lakes in the heart of the Gruppo di Tessa Nature Park form the largest high alpine lake district in South Tyrol

The Sopranes Lakes are considered the most beautiful mountain lakes of South Tyrol. Due to their elevated location, still in summer there can be snow at the lakesides. The 10 lakes are located above Lagundo in the Texel Group, more precisely high above the panoramic village of Velloi, and provide the town of Merano and surroundings with water. Several hikes lead by the lakes, such as the mountain tour Valcanale Pass and Sopranes Lakes and the one to the Casera Superiore Hut.

There's a special flora and fauna in these elevated altitudes: In the waters of the lakes, in the heart of the protected Gruppo di Tessa Nature Park, there are e.g. chars. The first ones of the 10 Sopranes Lakes (Spronser Seen) are the two Milk Lakes. The Long Lake, however, is one of the largest lakes and features a lenght of 1 km and a with of 300 metres. It is followed by the Green Lake, the Black Lake, the Slate Lake, the Kettle Lake and the Casere Pond. The last two are called Vizze Pond and Midge Lake. The sea level here reaches from 2,200 to 2,600 metres a.s.l.

Altitude: 2,100 - 2,589 m a.s.l.
Surface: 30 hectares (in total)
Category: high alpine mountain lakes

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