The Museion, Bolzano’s Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, welcomes you to its futuristic glass building
Image gallery: Museion Bolzano
The Museion was founded in 1985 by a private association with the support of the province of South Tyrol. Originally located in the Via Sernesi road in Bolzano, it was dedicated to the art of historic Tyrol - from Ala in Trentino to Kufstein in North Tyrol - from 1900 onwards.
At the beginning of the 1990s, the focus expanded to include a comparison of German and Italian art, and in 1991 the name "Museion" was born. Today, the museum is supported by the Museion Foundation, comprising the Museion Association and the province of South Tyrol, and financed by membership and sponsorship contributions. In 2008, the Museion moved into its current, light-filled new building in the Centro-Piani district. The design by Berlin architects KSV Krüger Schuberth Vandreike impresses with its transparent glass façade, symbolising openness and dialogue. The building, which also houses a coffee bar, was opened together with a pedestrian and cycle bridge over the Talvera River. The collection comprises more than 4,500 works.
Focal points include art and language, the formal language of sculpture, the critical examination of the present, and the positions of non-European artists. Museion sees itself as a meeting place and an international, interdisciplinary art workshop. The younger generation is also welcome!
Children can explore the exhibitions playfully with the museum caterpillar or on specially designed activity trails. How to get there: You can find the Museion at the Piazza Piero Siena square, near the Talvera Bridge and the Bolzano University (Museion bus stop). From the town centre and the Bolzano Arcades, you can easily reach the museum on foot in about 10 minutes.
Contact info
- Piazza Piero Siena / Piero Siena Platz 1 - 39100 - Bolzano / Bozen
- +39 0471 223413
Opening times
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single admission to the Museion Bolzano:
€ 10.00 adults
€ 5.00 students
€ 5.00 seniors 65+
if one or more exhibition floors are under construction:
€ 7.00 adults
€ 3.50 students
€ 3.50 seniors 65+
free for children and young people under 18 years
free for people with disabilities
free admission for everyone every Thursday from 6 pm to 10 pm
€ 60.00 guided tour (up to 25 persons)
€ 90.00 workshop (6-15 persons)
More information
Guided tours (1 hour) and workshops for groups (1.5 hours) are offered upon request: +39 0471 223413 or Short closures are possible during exhibition changeovers.
The Museion stays open all year round, Monday rest day. The Museion shop is accessible from Tuesday to Sunday from 10 am to 5.30 pm and on Thursdays until 9.30 pm. The coffee bar stays open from Monday to Friday from 8 am to 6 pm, on Thursdays till 10 pm, and at the weekends from 10 am to 6 pm. Hot meals are served from Monday to Friday from noon time to 2.30 pm.